


Complete Visit

Listen to your needs and guide you to the most appropriate treatment plan for you is a key point in our philosophy.

pulizia dei denti

Oral Hygiene

Prevention by periodic sessions of professional hygiene is very important for everyone in order to maintain a good oral health.

trattamento sbiancante denti

Tooth Whitening

this cosmetic treatment part of our daily clinical practice, respecting the integrity of dental tissues. Professional techniques

Conservative Therapy

Prevention of tooth decay in children and adolescents can be made by using dental sealant in upper and lower molars.

terapia endodontica o devitalizzazione

Endodontic Therapy

Endodontic treatment is necessary when deep cavities or dental injuries involves dental pulp (nerve).

Orthodontic Therapy

Orthodontics is needed for prevention and treatment of dental and dento-skeletal malocclusion.

terapia gnatologica

Gnathological Treatment

Treatment of cranio-mandibular dysfunction (Temporomandibular joint).

Prosthetic Therapy

Fixed / Aesthetic Prosthesis on natural teeth. Removable prosthesis anchored to implants.

chirurgia orale

Oral Surgery and Maxillofacial

Complex extractions of impacted wisdom teeth and other impacted teeth, Endodontic surgery…

anestesia generale

General Anesthesia and Deep Sedation

Using the patients’ mental capabilities to help them shift the focus from a perception to another.

Aesthetics of the face and Perioral

Lip filler with hyaluronic acid and surrounding regions. Genioplasty.

Zygomatic prosthesis

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